Learn about your personality, talents, abilities, and life roadmapIMAGINE THIS

Someone you've never met looks into the colored part of your eyes and gives you an amazingly accurate description of your personality, talents and abilities. Then shows how a childhood you thought was bad is now a new and exciting gift to be revealed.

They even describe the personality of your spouse and what the two of you are really leaning from each other! Then, before you can recover from your astonishment, you realize that a roadmap of your life and family history can be seen in your eyes. The saying, "The eyes are the windows to the soul" suddenly has new meaning and importance.


     Are you still looking for clues to unravel your behavior patterns?

     Does your childhood programming have you on a wild goose chase?

     Have you tried various therapies and are still making the same mistakes?

     If so, perhaps you are ready for a technique which addresses the real
     root causes of your unconscious choices.


Michael Phillips, RMT has identified and diagnosed every kind of emotional state from anger to a lack of nurturing, simply by looking into the colored part of people's eyes. "The eyes are the windows to the soul," he says, and observes that people always have more patterns in one eye than the other. For example, more patterns in the right eye gives you a preference for sleeping on the right side of your body and usually a closer relationship with your father. It also gives a predisposition toward left brain dominance.

This Master Teacher is one of many who believe that your eyes contain a genetic map of your entire family history, all the way back from your great grandparents to yourself in the present. The information includes your family strengths, vulnerabilities, and even what type of mate you will attract in a relationship.

Did you know that you cannot look at both eyes on a human being at the same time? It's true, usually you will only focus on one eye or the other, and it is almost always the left eye you will look into. This is because the left eye is feminine and receives incoming energy and the right eye sends energy out. Check it for yourself...


Iridology, Rayid & Eye Reading

Diagnosing physical health by looking into the eyes is called Iridology and is certainly nothing new. The ancient Chinese and Egyptians knew of this technique and used it often. However, what has been missing until now, is the spiritual & psychological connection provided by a new and fascinating discovery called Rayid, also known as Eye Reading.

Looking in the eye for patterns of behavior is a rather new pursuit with many insights from the world over, and it is fast becoming recognized as one of the most verifiable and objective techniques to be introduced in the mental health field. Experts like Phillips and child psychologist Hester Lewis at Harvard University agree and have found it to be extremely accurate.

Using this method, specialists can see more of what makes you tick in one hour than is possible to achieve with months of traditional counseling. Clients today now have the advantage of saving huge sums of money and time. We can help a person get right to their core issues, and they can spend more time working on balance suggestions," says Phillips, president of the Association of Ocular Sciences in Los Angeles.

Exploring Your Eye

Explore your own eye in a bright light at your bathroom mirror. The pattern of dots, wispy openings that may look like a fish netting or straight, thin, thread-like fibers correlate to the mental, emotional and hands-on behavior patterns. Different segments of the iris reveal key emotional and spiritual issues (see above photo).

As a result, Eye Reading Specialists say they can provide doctors with deeper insight into the nature of disease that only the mind can alter. For example, the lymphatic system is responsible for removing slow-moving toxins from the body. Eye Reading Specialists claim that when they see this condition in the eye, the client has a tendency to hang on to the emotional problems/garbage of other people for too long. That kind of thinking teaches their body to unconsciously hold on to its own toxins/garbage at the physical level.

Understanding and integrating this mental connection with the physical allows a free flow of energy for healing and shows how the body / mind system works together as one unit. For further information or classes, contact Michael Phillips of the Monastery of Herbs at 818-360-4871.